Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Another Form!

We have another form that need to be complete before departing from tour:  Media Release Form.  Either access the form from website - Click on Tour Info tab then click on Forms tab.
Click on this link

All Oahu members are to bring this form completed and sign to Sunday December 23rd rehearsal.

All Neighbor island members should bring their completed and signed forms to airport on December 25. 

All Land Package members should bring to hotel check in.

O’ahu Island Rehearsal-12/23 Important Information

O’ahu Island Band, Aux, percussion and hula...Call time..12:30pm-Sunday, 12/23/18. Aloha Stadium Lower Lot
Start time 1pm...DO NOT BE LATE or ABSENT !

Make sure you all have had a meal BEFORE coming...and be Hydrated.
Rehearsal is going to be very physical...BRING WATER AND SNACKS.


Dancers, Letters, Flags

Watch new "TURN" video posted on website!
Watch videos of HASMB performing at Bandfest, Disney,and the Parade. They are on the website.
Do any and all preparations assigned by your group kumus.


We will be inspecting all units for the following, so be prepared to show.....

Instruments pre-cleaned and polished..present at practice.
Bring cleaning rag, polishing rag, and  either silver,brass, or lacquer polish.
All swabs needed.

Flutes-clean and polish in those hard to get areas
Clarinets-bright shiny keys. Must have at least 4 extra reeds
Saxes-body of horn polished to a lustre. Keys, as well.  Must have at least 4 extra reeds. 


Trumpets & Mellos-pre-cleaned and polished... show at practices. Bring polish, at least one bottle of valve oil, tubing slide grease, cleaning rags. Tuning slides greased and easy to remove. Lip balm.

Trombones/Baritones... pre-cleaned and polished, show at practice. Valve oil, all slides, moving parts cleaned and easily removable.

Tubas..MUST show a bag or pouch with your name clearly on it to insert all parts...mouthpiece,bits,gooseneck,lead pipe. Valve oil, cleaning rags. One small bottle of silver polish, AND one small bottle of lacquer polish. We will be renting horns in CA and have no idea how many will be silver, brass, or lacquer, as well as how clean or not clean they may be. We will supply brass polish.

If Not clean...we will ask you to stay after practice to do it. You have until Sunday...Do it Now.
All watch TURN video posted on website. Also watch past Bandfest, Disney, and Parade videos posted on website.

Percussion have the hardest job in cleaning. BUY cymbal polish and pre clean before Sunday. Try Music Center of Hawai’i,Easy Music Center or other local vendors...SHINE THEM. Make sure cymbal pads are clean.Cymbal bag must have your name on it.

Tenors,Snares, BD. Each of you needs white 3M tape as discussed on website. Show pride by buying new sticks as discussed and posted on website. Have at least one pair of practice/ back up sticks. EVERYONE MUST HAVE THEIR OWN DRUM KEY. Get on it now!
Stick bag must have your name on it.

We will be renting,adjusting and changing heads the FIRST DAY. Be prepared !

TOERES. Read and follow packing instructions posted by Keki Johnson online. Order sticks from him..NOW  Follow instructions posted.

Metal bars must be covered/wrapped in black tape to look good...before practice. We will pack after practice so be prepared with your pillow cases, drum key, etc. and take harness apart, for packing.

All Watch Turn video posted on website. Also, Bandfest, Disny, and Parade vids from past posted on website.



Friday, December 14, 2018


As we near tour here is some information regarding packing and equipment/

Battery (Snares/Tenors/Basses) - drums & carriers will be on loan in California. We
recommend bringing your own stick bags.

Toere - need to consolidate carrier by removing the toere from the carrier and folding
the bars towards the carrier to be as flat as possible. The carrier will be (1 of) your
carry on. Use an old pillow case as a cover/bag for the carrier to keep all of the parts
together. Pack the actual toere inside of your suitcase to check in. Use another old
pillow case to wrap the toere before putting it in your suitcase.

Cymbals need to be in a cymbal bag and checked in as a second piece of luggage (you
will be reimbursed for this second piece).

Snares/Tenors/Toere/Basses - please bring a relatively fresh pair of sticks on tour. You
will not have time or the opportunity to get new sticks on tour so don’t plan on doing
so. Also-the parade is ling and you need the pair to last the whole performance. We
also recommend bringing a spare pair for practice and to just have spare pair incase
something happens (like a break on the parade route).

If you would like to purchase sticks we will have the Vic Firth John Mapes Snare and
Tenor sticks avail at the next Oahu rehearsal for $12. For outer island members please
email by Dec 17 and we will bring you a pair that you can pay
for when we get on tour.

Sticks need to be taped white before tour. Check this video on how to do so
Sticks should be taped half-overlap to the fulcrum (to the/but not covering the flag on
Vic Firth sticks and same with the System Blue logo on ProMark sticks)

Pack your main sticks (and stick bags if you are bringing it) in your carry on. You don’t
want to have your main sticks in your luggage incase luggage is lost in transit. It is ok
to put your spare pair in your luggage.

Everyone needs to bring a drum key and extra stick tape incase a re-tape is needed.

When we get on tour we expect everyone to e responsible for their own equipment. No
one should be carrying or playing anyone else‘s drum. We also expect everyone to help
load/unload the equipment truck and also keeping the designated drum equipment
room neat and organized. Also we expect cases to be neatly organized during
rehearsals and performances.

Also while on tour, especially during free time-please be aware of your hands (and
feet). You need your hands to play in practices and performances.


Monday, December 10, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

December Rehearsal/Meeting Schedule

We are now down to the last few hours of rehearsals before departing on tour. Please come prepared!

Kauaʻi Island Saturday, 12/15/18 at Kapaʻa HS
4:30pm-530pm  Final Tour Meeting at Kapaʻa HS Music Building Mandatory for all performers/accompanying travelers.***

Maui Island
Sunday, 12/16/18 at Kamehameha Schools-Maui Campus Stadium
1:00pm-4:00pm Mandatory
4:30pm-5:30pm Final Tour Meeting at HS band room.  Mandatory for all performers/accompanying travelers.

Hawaiʻi Island
Sunday, 12/9/18 at St. Josephʻs School
1:00pm-4:00pm Mandatory
4:30pm-5:30pm  Final Tour Meeting at St. Josephʻs Cafeteria.  Mandatory for all performers/accompanying travelers.

Oʻahu Island
Saturday, 12/8/18
Dancers Only - Final Tour Meeting at Nā Maka Studios
6:00pm-7:30pm Mandatory for performers/parents/accompanying travelers.

Monday, 12/10/18
Band/color guard/letter line only-Final Tour Meeting at Kamehameha Schools-Kapālama Keʻelikōlani Auditorium 
7:00pm-9:00pm Mandatory for all performers/parents/accompanying travelers.

Saturday, 12/15/18 Rehearsal at Aloha Stadium Lower Lot
For band, color guard, letter line only
9:00am -12:00pm Enter via lower Halawa Gate
Mandatory.  We will be rehearsing "the turn".

Sunday, 12/23/18 Final Rehearsal at Aloha Stadium Lower Lot
For band, color guard, letter line and all dancers
1:00pm to 5:00pm  Enter via lower Halawa Gate

***All music must be memorized, including Viva La Vida (new music for performance exchange with Puerto Rico).  Please remember to hydrate and bring at least a half gallon size water jug with you to all rehearsals.  This is the final stretch before we leave for California.  You are representing your ʻohana, your school...our state of Hawaiʻi.

Viva La Vida-Music Parts

After our performance exchange with the Puerto Rico band, we will be doing a joint performance with them with the song "Viva La Vida".  Please download your part, learn and memorize.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

November and December Rehearsal/Performance Dates

Kauaʻi Island Rehearsals
Sunday, 10/28/18 at Kapaʻa HS1:00pm-5:00pm Mandatory

Sunday, 11/25/18 at Vidinha Stadium Parking Lot
1:00-5:00pm Mandatory

Saturday, 12/15/18 at Kapaʻa HS
4:30pm-530pm  Final Tour Meeting at Kapaʻa HS Music Building Mandatory for all performers/accompanying travelers.***

Maui Island Rehearsals
Thursday, 11/1/18 at Kamehameha Schools-Maui Campus Stadium
Performers Call Time:  4:30pm at Kamehameha Maui HS Band Room
Come dressed in FULL DRESS UNIFORM
Mandatory for all performers/parents/accompanying travelers
Bring your best dish!

Sunday, 11/18/18 at Kamehameha Schools-Maui Campus Stadium
1:00pm-4:00pm Mandatory

Sunday, 12/16/18 at Kamehameha Schools-Maui Campus Stadium
1:00pm-4:00pm Mandatory
4:30pm-5:30pm Final Tour Meeting at HS band room.  Mandatory for all performers/accompanying travelers.

Hawaiʻi Island Rehearsals
Sunday, 11/11/18 at Keaʻau HS Stadium
1:00pm-5:00pm Mandatory

Sunday, 12/9/18 at St. Josephʻs School
1:00pm-4:00pm Mandatory
4:30pm-5:30pm  Final Tour Meeting at St. Josephʻs Cafeteria.  Mandatory for all performers/accompanying travelers.

Oʻahu Island Rehearsals/Performances
Saturday, 11/3/18 Kamehameha Tournament of Bands Performance at Kamehameha Kapālama Kūnuiākea
-Competing bands have individual band time schedules.  Wear your own school band uniform
-Non Competing bands must be in stadium by 8:00pm.  Wear your HASMB uniform shirt, greens and black pants/slacks and black shoes.  DO NOT WEAR YOUR SKIRT. You will sit at the scoreboard side of bleachers.  
-All HASMB band members (competing and non competing) will head towards the back corner of the track (scoreboard side) when Kamehameha performs their show.
-Non competing HASMB band members will get free admission only if you are dressed in your HASMB uniform shirt, black pants/slacks and black shoes.  Any ʻohana or accompanying people will have to pay to get inside the stadium.
-Dancers will meet at Nā Maka Studios.  Call time will be determined by kumu.
***Letʻs make this a great debut!  The Rose Parade President will be in attendance!!!

Friday, 11/23/18 Waikiki Holiday Parade (evening parade)
Call Time and Location is TBA.  Will send update via website and individual emails.
Band:  Full Dress Uniform-Shirt, black slacks/pants, greens and skirt.
Dancers:  Uniform TBD by your kumu.  
There will not be any buses.  All performers will meet at location TBA on the website
This will be our first parade performance.
*Note:  If your school band is performing in this parade, you will perform with them.

Saturday, 12/8/18
Dancers Only-Final Tour Meeting at Nā Maka Studios
6:00pm-730pm Mandatory for all performers/parents/accompanying travelers.

Monday, 12/10/18
Band/color guard/letter line only-Final Tour Meeting at Kamehameha Schools-Kapālama Keʻelikōlani Auditorium 
6:00pm-8:00pm Mandatory for all performers/parents/accompanying travelers.

Saturday, 12/15/18 Rehearsal at Aloha Stadium Lower Lot
For band, color guard, letter line only
9:00am -12:00pm Enter via lower Halawa Gate
Mandatory.  We will be rehearsing "the turn".

Sunday, 12/23/18 Final Rehearsal at Aloha Stadium Lower Lot
For band, color guard, letter line and all dancers
1:00pm to 5:00pm  Enter via lower Halawa Gate

***All music must be memorized, including Viva La Vida (new music for performance exchange with Puerto Rico).  Please remember to hydrate and bring at least a half gallon size water jug with you to all rehearsals.  This is the final stretch before we leave for California.  You are representing your ʻohana, your school...our state of Hawaiʻi.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Make up Oahu Tour Meeting

Sunday, October 7 -  Make up Tour Meeting will be held at 5PM - right after end of rehearsal.  This is scheduled for Na Maka and HASMB Band Members families who did not attend last month’s only.  If your family member already attend last meeting - you do not need go to this one.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

October Rehearsal Dates

Oʻahu Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 10/7/18 UH Mānoa Ching Field
Full rehearsal and roommate sign ups
Note: Student must be present to sign up for their room
**Oʻahu island only: there may be a possible additional rehearsal in preparation for our Tournament of Bands performance on 11/3/18. Check website/FB for announcement. 

Hawaiʻi Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 10/14/18 St. Joseph’s School practice field
Full rehearsal and roommate sign ups
Note: Student must be present to sign up for their room. 
**Mandatory parent meeting at 3:00pm to 5:00pm at the St. Joseph’s band room for all parents of students and all accompanying travelers.

Maui Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 10/21/18 Kamehameha Schools Maui Stadium
Full rehearsal and roommate sign ups
Note: Student must be present to sign up for their room

Kauaʻi Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 10/28/18 Location: TBA
Full rehearsal and roommate sign ups
Note: Student must be present to sign up for their room.

Please be sure to bring your own water jug, sunscreen and shoes.
All music is memorized, but you still need to bring your music with you. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

September Rehearsal Dates

September Rehearsal Dates

Hawaiʻi Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 9/9/18 at Keaʻau HS Stadium
Mandatory parent/accompanying travelers 
meeting will be on 10/14/18. Time and location 
Oʻahu Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 9/9/18 at Mililani HS Stadium
Partial uniform distribution, do not be absent
***All band, color guard and letter girls must bring one pair of pantyhose. 

***Special Tour Information Meeting 9/9/18
Parents/Accompanying Travelers Must Attend
3-5 pm
Mililani High School Cafeteria 
Important information will be given out. Meeting will take place during rehearsal. 
Maui Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 9/16/18 at Kamehameha Maui Stadium
Partial uniform distribution, do not be absent
***All band and color guard must bring
one pair of pantyhose. 

***Special Tour Information Meeting 9/16/18
Parents/Accompanying Travelers Must Attend
3-5 pm
Kamehameha Maui HS Band Room
Important information will be given out. Meeting will take place during rehearsal. 
Kauaʻi Island Rehearsal 
Sunday, 9/30/18 at Kapa’a HS Band Room
Partial uniform distribution, do not be absent
***All band members must bring one pair of pantyhose. 

***Special Tour Information Meeting 9/30/18
Parents/Accompanying Travelers Must Attend
3-5 pm
Kapaʻa HS Choral Room
Important information will be given out. Meeting will take place during rehearsal. 


Please come to rehearsal prepared and ready to work. Be sure that you also come hydrated and bring a water jug, shoes and a great attitude.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Videos of past Hawai’i All State Marching Bands

Here is a clip of the 2014 Hawai’i All State Marching Band at the Tournament of Roses Parade. This parade is massive. Millions of people on the parade route and even more watching on TV. We need to perform, we need to find that passion so that we are able to share our culture and our aloha with the rest of the world.  Please check out these clips. 

More past videos of the Hawai’i All State Marching Band. A huge legacy has been passed down to us from these previous all state bands. It is our kuleana (responsibility) to uphold this legacy and to also add to it. We need to take it to a whole new level.   2014 Disneyland Parade Performance  2014 Bandfest Performance

Here is a the original version of our Bandfest ballad, “Pua Kiele” by Josh Tatofi.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

August Rehearsal Dates

O’ahu Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 8/5/18 at Farrington High School Stadium

Hawai`i Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 8/12/18 at Kea`au HS

Maui Island Rehearsal
Sunday,  8/19/18 at Kamehameha Schools Maui Campu

Kaua`i Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 8/26/18 at Kapa`a HS

Please plan your routing in advance and be on time.  Bring all new music (Pua Kiele and Ho`i Ke Aloha I Ra`iātea).  Please know the two vocal chants and visual.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

New music and Vocal Chant Online

Our final song (Ho’i Ke Aloha I Ra’iātea) that we will be performing at  Bandfest is now online in the music section.

Our vocal chant is also online as well. Please review both and have both ready to go at our next rehearsal.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Attention Drumline: Drum Cadence parts are now available

The drum cadence pdf parts are now available in the music section.  Please download your part, print and starting learning the cadence.

Attention - HASMB Maui Members

Message from John Riggle:
Aloha e Maui!
Practice is this Sunday, June 17 at Kamehameha Stadium!
Since it is also Father's Day..we will END at 4PM!!

Bras. WW...check the website for new piece. Print and bring to practice.
Start playing as soon as can before Sunday
Continue memorizing current selections! Mark time as you practice.

Drums!! Cadence will be up this week as well.
Print out and bring to practice.

Please do not be late and do not be absent!
See you soon!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Pua Kiele-Ballad Music Now Online

Music parts for our ballad (for bandfest), Pua Kiele, is now posted online at in the music section.  Please click the music tab to access your music part.  An audio file is also available to download.  Please download and print your music and start memorizing your parts.  We will be working on this song at our next rehearsal.

Monday, May 28, 2018

July Rehearsal Dates

O`ahu Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 7/1/18
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Mililani HS Stadium

Hawai`i Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 7/8/18
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Kea`au HS Stadium
*Jog-a-Thon to follow rehearsal

Maui Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 7/15/18
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Kamehameha Schools Maui Stadium
*Jog-a-Thon to follow rehearsal

Kaua`i Island Rehearal
Sunday, 7/29/18
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Kapa`a HS
*Jog-a-Thon to follow rehearsal

***All parade music (Masese and Drums of Polynesia) and warm ups must be memorized, no exceptions.  New Bandfest music will be coming out soon.  Please remember to bring a water jug (minimum size is 1/2 gallon jug) to all rehearsals.  As we approach the summer months, the weather will be hot and sunny.  For your health and well being, you must be and stay hydrated.  16oz water bottles are not sufficient.

June Kaua`i Island Rehearsal DATE CHANGE

June rehearsal for the island of Kaua`i has been moved to 6/10/18.
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Vidinha Stadium Parking Lot

Friday, May 4, 2018

Music Update: Percussion parts available for Drums of Polynesia.

***Music Update***

Percussion music is now online for Drums of Polynesia.  Check the website  Click on "Members" and select "Music 2019" from menu.  Click on Folder: "Battery Parts"
Please print out parts and bring to rehearsal.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May Oahu HASMB Update - Reminder May 6

To: All Oahu HASMB Members
Re: Practice..May 6...Castle HS Stadium
From: John Riggle

Aloha Oahu HASMB members,

Due to Mother's Day falling on our regular 2nd Sunday spot (May 13), we decided it would be best for all concerned to avoid an uncomfortable conflict and move May practice up one week.  Mahalo for understanding.

Please be on time...and fully prepared with all music memorized. Also recommend that you park on the far side in back of the field.

Please wear shoes...bring snacks, water...and whatever clothing the weather is projecting. It rains often on the Windward side.

Let's continue to get stronger each time!


Thursday, April 26, 2018

May and June Rehearsal Dates/Locations

5/6/18  O`ahu Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Castle HS Stadium

5/6/18 Hawai`i Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Kea`au HS Stadium

5/20/18 Maui Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Kamehameha Schools Maui-Stadium

5/27/18  Kaua`i Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Vidinha Stadium

6/3/18 O`ahu Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Leilehua HS Stadium

6/10/18 Hawai`i Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Kea`au HS Stadium

6/17/18  Maui Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Kamehameha Schools Maui-Stadium

6/24/18  Kaua`i Island Rehearsal
1-5pm at Hanapepe Stadium

***All warm ups and parade music should be memorized.  You still need to bring your music to rehearsal, in case of changes or edits to the music.  Please be sure to bring a water jug (1/2 gallon is the minimum size) to rehearsal.  Plastic water bottles will not be sufficient.  Be sure to hydrate and eat before rehearsal.  Please bring athletic shoes, flip folder, lyre and music.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rehearsal location update-Kaua’i Island

Kaua’i Island Rehearsal will be at Hanapepe Stadium on Sunday, 4/29/18 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Masese and Drums of Polynesia should be memorized by now.
Be sure to bring a water jug, music and athletic shoes.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Music Update-Percussion, Flutes and Clarinets

***Music Update***

Percussion music is now online for Masese.  Please print out and bring to rehearsal.

Updated Flute and Clarinet music is now online for Masese. It is a newer, update version.  Please print out and bring to rehearsal.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

April Rehearsal Dates and Locations

O’ahu Island Rehearsal (April)
Sunday  4/8
Full band and color guard
UH Ching Field

Hawai`i Island Rehearsal (April)
Sunday  4/8
Kea'au HS Stadium

Maui Island Rehearsal (April)
Sunday  4/15 
Kamehameha Schools Maui Stadium

Kaua`i Island Rehearsal(April)
Sunday  4/29
Vidinha Stadium

All rehearsals will be marching and playing
Wear proper athletic shoes, no slippers.
Be prepared for weather changes (jacket).
Bring flip folder/lyre if music not fully memorized.
Bring your own water/snacks.
Arrive at least 20 minutes before start time.
Let's get it done!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Credit Card Option Available/March 15 Tour Payment Due

Your First Tour Payment is due March 15, 2018.
If you have any questions - please check the website -

Paypal link is now active on the website if you are interested in making the payment with your debit/credit card.  Click on "2018-2019 Tour Information" - there will be drop down menu and select "Credit Card Payment" option.

If you have any questions regarding your account - please contact Claire Kim.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Reminder March 4 - Oahu HASMB Rehearsal.

Sunday, March 4
Oahu HASMB Rehearsal Information:
1PM - 5PM
St Louis School

We will be working on Masese/Aloha Oe medley.
Prepare for inclement weather: Have a warm jacket/hoodie or rain poncho and a plastic bag for wood wind instruments.
Bring own water/snacks/flip folder/lyre/music.

Parking Directions
Plan your route and arrive early. When entering St. Louis campus stay on the right after main entrance. Go up the hill and when you pass the gym, go a little beyond the "left" side of the gym. Follow the walkway down towards the bottom of the parking structure.
Go through the small door, which is Level 5.
Walk to the far end and go out the stairwell and down to the field.
If it’s raining, we will stay in the parking structure. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

March Rehearsal Dates and Locations

March Rehearsal Dates and Locations

O`ahu Island Rehearsal 

Sunday  3/4 
Full band and color guard
St. Louis Track and Field Stadium

Sunday  3/4
All dancers
Na Maka Studios


Hawai`i Island Rehearsal 
Sunday  3/11 
Kea'au HS Stadium

Maui Island Rehearsal 
Sunday  3/18 
Kamehameha Schools Maui Stadium

Kaua`i Island Rehearsal
Sunday  3/25 
Vidinha Stadium

All rehearsals will be marching and playing
Wear proper athletic shoes, no slippers.
Be prepared for weather changes (jacket).
Bring flip folder/lyre if music not fully memorized.
Bring your own water/snacks.
Arrive at least 20 minutes before start time.
Let's get it done!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Music Updated

Music parts for Masese have been updated and uploaded. Please be sure to download and print this most current version of the music.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

UPDATE: Tour Fees Announcement

February 24, 2018  - Click below for the latest announcement from John Riggle regarding Tour Fees.

Please note - your tour fees or cancellation form are due March 15.

Cash discount available for payments with checks/money order.  Debit card payments do not qualify.  Online payments payment link (through PayPal) will be available shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Please forward any questions to John Riggle, Managing Director

Oʻahu Rehearsal Location Announced

Oʻahu Island Rehearsal Location for brass, woodwinds, percussion, color guard

When:   Sunday, 3/4/18
Where:  St. Louis School Football Field and Track
             3142 Waialae Ave.
                    Honolulu, Hi. 96816
Time:    1:00pm to 5:00pm

For O`ahu hula/tahitian dancers only:  Rehearsal will be at Na Maka studios from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Dancers, bring hula implements
                    Na Maka Dance Studios
                    94-547 Ukee St.
                    Waipahu,Hi. 96797

**All band members are to bring own instruments, athletic shoes, flip folder and lyre.  
Tubas bring own mouthpiece
Drummers: need to bring own sticks, BD, Tenors, Snares (with harness) 
Color guard: bring pole and flag. 

***Music is available on website: within the coming week.  Please print out your own music and bring to rehearsal.  Music to print:  HASMB Warm Up's, "Masese" and "Drums of Polynesia".   Please check website often for latest updates.

**Parking Directions at St. Louis**
Plan your route and arrive early.  When entering St. Louis campus stay on the right after main entrance.  Go up the hill and when you pass the gym, go a little beyond the "left" side of the gym.  Follow the walkway down towards the bottom of the parking structure.
Go through the small door, which is Level 5.
Walk to the far end and go out the stairwell and down to the field.  If it’s raining, we will stay in the parking structure.

Dress for inclement weather. Have a warm jacket/hoodie or rain poncho and a plastic bag for w.w instruments.

Bring water/snacks/flip folder/lyre/music.
We will be working on Masese/Aloha Oe medley.

Please contact John Riggle if you have questions:

Friday, February 9, 2018


If you have not sent in your tour application and pledge yet - please be sure to do so prior to February 20th to reserve your spot - Don’t let this opportunity of a life-time pass you buy.

Due to continuing negotiations with several airlines, we are still not ready to announce a tour price yet.  We are working diligently to secure the best average of all air fares available for the group.  Thus, we need to postpone the announcement of the tour prices to February 21, 2018 - one day after all tour pledges are due. By doing this, we also will have a better idea of the volume and size of our group.

The first tour payment or cancellation notice has also been pushed back to March 15, 2018 (not February 15).   You still have plenty of time in between to consider if you want to go forward once the tour price and package details has been announced.

Meanwhile music and instructions are posted on the website.  Weekend HASMB rehearsals on each island are about to commence.   Please check the website for details!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February 2018 Rehearsal Information

Sunday, 2/11/18  1:00pm to 5:00pm  Hawai`i Island Rehearsal
@ St Joseph School Band Room

Sunday, 2/18/18  1:00pm to 5:00pm  Maui Island Rehearsal
@Kamehameha Schools-Maui Campus HS Band Room

Sunday, 2/25/18  1:00pm to 5:00pm  Kaua`i Island Rehearsal
@Kapa`a HS Band Room

*All rehearsals will include Band Members (percussion, brass and woodwinds), Dancers and Color Guard.

The first O`ahu rehearsal will be begin on Sunday, 3/4/18
Details: TBA

For O`ahu hula/tahitian dancers only:  Rehearsal will be at Na Maka studios from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Driving directions will be forthcoming.

**All band members are to bring own instruments, drummers need to bring own sticks, tubas bring mouthpieces, color guard bring pole and flag. We will start sizing for uniform shirts and passing out the band shoe order form.

***Music will be available on website: within the coming week.  Please print out your own music and bring to rehearsal.  Music to print:  HASMB Warm Up's, "Masese" and "Drums of Polynesia".   Please check website often for latest updates.

Please contact John Riggle if you have questions:

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Update Travel Contracts - payment dates

The following corrections were made on both the Student and Accompany Travel Contracts:

To those who are considering the monthly payment plan ONLY:
Pledge date due February 20, 2018.
8 monthly payment NOW starts March 15 (which lines up with other payment pland) and you continue to make Oct 15 payment with remaining balance due Nov 15, 2018.  NOTE;  number of payments are still the same only you now shift everything one month later.

New forms are now available to download - please keep a copy for your records for payment dates if you are doing monthly payments.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last Tour Presentation Tonight

The final Na Koa Ali'i - Hawai'i All State Marching Band 2019 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Tour presentation will be given at Castle High School Band Room at 6:30PM. 

For more information - please contact John Riggle, Managing Director

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tour Meeting Schedule Dates - 2018-2019 Tournament of Roses Parade Tour Information

2018-2019 Tournament of Roses Parade Tour
Information Meeting Schedule

Date                                                      Time                   Location                           

Wednesday, 1/10/18                   6:30pm               Nānākuli H.S. Band Room        
*for nominees from Nānākuli and Waianae

Saturday, 1/13/18                      4:00pm               Kapa`a H.S. Band Room
*for nominees from Kapa`a
Sunday, 1/14/18                          3:00pm               Kamehameha-Maui Campus Band Room
*for nominees from Baldwin, Hana, King Kekaulike, Lahainaluna, Lāna`i, Maui, Seabury Hall, Kamehameha-Maui Campus


Tuesday, 1/16/18                        6:30pm               Kahuku H.S. Band Room
*for nominees from Kahuku and Waialua

Wednesday, 1/17/18                   6:30pm               Kamehameha-Kapālama H.S. Band Room
*for nominees from Kamehameha H.S. and Middle School

Thursday, 1/18/18                      6:30pm               Leilehua H.S. Band Room
*for nominees from Leilehua

Sunday, 1/21/18                          3:00pm               St. Joseph School Cafeteria
*For nominees from Hilo, Honoka`a, Kamehameha-Kea`au Campus, Kea`au,
St. Joseph’s, Waiakea

Monday, 1/22/18                         6:30pm               Kapolei H.S. Cafeteria
*for nominees from Campbell, Hanalani, Kapolei, Mililani and Pearl City

Tuesday, 1/23/18                        6:30pm               Kailua H.S. Band Room
*for nominees from Castle, Kailua HS and Intermediate, Kalaheo, and Le Jardin

Saturday, 1/27/18                      1:00pm               Waimea H.S. Band Room
                                                 4:00pm               Kaua`i H.S. Band Room**
**for nominees from Kaua`i, Kapa`a and Cheifess Kamakahelei

Sunday, 1/28/18                          5:00pm               U.H. Mānoa Band Room
*For nominees from Farrington, Kaimuki, Kaiser, Kalani, UH Lab, McKinely, Moanalua, Punahou, Roosevelt, Christian Academy, Holy Family, `Iolani, Lutheran, Mid-Pacific, Radford, St. Andrew’s Priory, St. Francis, Sacred Hearts, St. Louis and Kaimuki Christian

**If your school is not listed or you can't make a specific date, you can attend any information meeting that is convenient for you and your `ohana.

We hope both you and your parents/guardians will be able to attend on the suggested date or at any other meeting location which may better suit your family schedule.  A special composite video and printed proposed itinerary with tour highlights will be shown in order to give you a more meaningful idea of just how exciting an educationally and musically rewarding tour like this can be! 

Questions regarding all aspects of the tour, including fundraising projects wil be answered and you will receive final instructions regarding accepting this “once in a lifetime” invitation.

P.S.  Make sure to check out our website ( for tour highlights, as well as a special video message from Gerald K. Freeny-2019 Rose Parade President and Chairman of the Board!