Saturday, May 21, 2016

***August Rehearsal Date-O`ahu Island***

O`ahu Island Rehearsal
Sunday, 8/21/16
Aloha Stadium Parking Lot
Band, Dancers, Flags, Letters

Full Music/Dance Routine for NBC
All music and dance/flag/letter routines are memorized
Uniforms will also be distributed.

Friday, May 20, 2016

June and July Rehearsal Dates and Times

***June and July Rehearsal Dates and Times***
Hawai'i Island
Sunday, 6/5/16
Band, Flags, Dancers
Kea'au HS Stadium

Maui Island
Sunday, 6/12/16
Band, Flags, Dancers
Kamehameha Schools Maui Stadium

O'ahu Island
SATURDAY, 6/18/16
Band, Flags, Dancers
Location: Leilehua HS Stadium

Kaua'i Island
Sunday, 6/26/16
Band, Flags
Vidinha Stadium
Hawai'i Island
Sunday, 7/3/16
Band, Flags, Dancers
Kea'au HS Stadium
Monday, July 4 Parade in Volcano
Band, Flags, Dancers
Time: TBA

Saturday, 7/2/16
Makawao Rodeo Parade
Band, Flags, Dancers
Time/Location/Uniform: TBA

Maui Island
Sunday, 7/10/16
Band, Flags, Dancers
Kamehameha Schools Maui Stadium

O'ahu Island
Sunday, 7/17/16
Band, Flags, Dancers
Location: U.H. Ching Field

Kaua'i Island
Sunday, 7/31/16
Band, Flags
Vidinha Stadium

Please check the website for new music and mp3.
*To prevent injury you have to come to rehearsal hydrated and you must bring a water jug. Hydrate throughout the week prior to your rehearsal.
-Music and marching rehearsal. Music must be memorized
-Wear athletic shoes with socks
-Head and skin protection (hat/sunscreen)
-Wear appropriate clothing-We will be outdoors
-All music must be memorized
-Bring snacks and personal water jug-no plastic water bottles

Monday, May 9, 2016

Alto Sax/Mellophone Music Update

Alto sax/mellophone music has been updated for Drums Of Polynesia Medley.

New Drum Cadence Posted

Drum line:  The drum cadence is now posted on the website. Please download, print out and learn for our next rehearsal.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Pizza Hut Reports posted in Password Access Page.

Sorry for delay - January and February sales and profit report is posted in Password Access Page of the website  Please check your receipts to get proper credit.  If there are some issues or questions, please contact Brenza Ho'opi'i.

113 HASMB Member participated in January - averaging 3.5 sales per person.  Congratulations to Sherry Pataray for posted the highest January sales: $520.75.  The profit from her sales is $114.57. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Pizza Hut Night - May 11

This fund raiser will be going every month until September.  A new “Sales Claim Flyer” will be available for each month. Must follow guidelines and instruction carefully.

Pizza Hut Guideline
Pizza Hut promotion for this month is scheduled for
May 11, 2016 - Pizza Hut Night 

Monday, May 2, 2016


New music has been posted in the music section on the HASMB website (  Please print out music, learn and have memorized for our next May rehearsal.