Monday, April 18, 2016


For all participants who plan to pay with a LUMP SUM payment as selected from your contract:

Your payment is due in its entirety by April 30, 2016. Please be sure to send your payments in a timely manner. A late fee of $50 will be assessed for those who do not meet the deadline.

An automated email was sent to all those who indicated they will be paying via LUMP SUM. Attached to the email was a statement indicating any payments that may have been made thus far as well as the package price due.

Please be sure to verify that your name matches that on your government issued ID so that the airline tickets will match.

If you did not receive an email and know that you selected to pay via LUMP SUM, please check your student's email account as well. You may also try to look in your SPAM folder. You may always email me (Claire Kim) at as well.

A report will be generated and posted online in the "Password Access" page (under Members Tab). If you do not recall the password, please email me at

MAHALO! The group is looking awesome! Keep practicing and keep up with your payments!