A Special Message To All Performers from Mr. Riggle
If you have not made arrangements to be excused from school or work, NOW is the time request a leave of absence by letting school counselors,teachers, administrators,or, in the case of work, your supervisors know about your absence on the following dates:
Musicians/Color Guard/Letter Girls
M,T,W 11/21,11/22,11/23.
Itinerary says we leave 11/18, but most of those flights are "red-eyes".., so you should be able to attend school that day.
Dancers...will be departing earlier than the rest of the group on 11/18, so you would most likely need to request a half day off or the entire day.
F,M,T,W 11/18,11/21,11/22,11/23.
All other family members or accompanying travelers should make arrangements as they see fit.
Please note that this is an independent trip, and not a DOE field-trip, so it is your responsibility to bring a request note for a leave of absence from your parent or legal guardian, along with an itinerary to the proper school person, in order that you may get missed assigments,or ask permission to make up any work or tests. Every school does it differently. Make sure you are caught up with all work before asking for time off.
Itinerary may be found in the secured section of the HASMB website. Print what you need and present to your teachers.
If there are questions, please email me at: jrlani@hawaii.rr.com or ph 388-0301