Thursday, April 13, 2023


 We apologize for the the late notice, but we just got approval to have OAHU HASMB APRIL REHERSAL ON SUNDAY 4/16 1-4 @ KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS KAPALAMA FOOTBALL STADIUM. 

Aloha members! For April rehersals, In addition to FANFARE 1 & 2 memorized, please have TAHITI TAHITI memorized or printed out and secured in your flip folder. Make sure you have the proper lyre to use with your flip folder. For those of you new to marching band, these can be purchased from your local music store or on-line retailers. This is a learning tool and WILL NOT BE USED DURING PERFORMANCE. 

As a reminder, members should have at every rehersal: Your Instrument, music, pencil Water/Hydroflask(labeled name), shoes, sun protection, jacket for wet weather conditions and any other personal needs for a 3-4 hour time duration.

Again we apologize for the late notice and we thank you for your patience and flexibility with the practice venue. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday